
L Japonica

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Honeysuckle \Hon"ey*suc`kle\, n. [Cf. AS. hunis?ge privet. See
   {Honey}, and {Suck}.] (Bot.)
   One of several species of flowering plants, much admired for
   their beauty, and some for their fragrance.

   Note: The honeysuckles are properly species of the genus
         {Lonicera}; as, {L. Caprifolium}, and {L. Japonica},
         the commonly cultivated fragrant kinds; {L.
         Periclymenum}, the fragrant woodbine of England; {L.
         grata}, the American woodbine, and {L. sempervirens},
         the red-flowered trumpet honeysuckle. The European fly
         honeysuckle is {L. Xylosteum}; the American, {L.
         ciliata}. The American Pinxter flower ({Azalea
         nudiflora}) is often called honeysuckle, or false
         honeysuckle. The name {Australian honeysuckle} is
         applied to one or more trees of the genus {Banksia}.
         See {French honeysuckle}, under {French}.
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