

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Yielding \Yield"ing\, a.
   Inclined to give way, or comply; flexible; compliant;
   accommodating; as, a yielding temper.

   {Yielding and paying} (Law), the initial words of that clause
      in leases in which the rent to be paid by the lessee is
      mentioned and reserved. --Burrill.

   Syn: Obsequious; attentive.

   Usage: {Yielding}, {Obsequious}, {Attentive}. In many cases a
          man may be attentive or yielding in a high degree
          without any sacrifice of his dignity; but he who is
          obsequious seeks to gain favor by excessive and mean
          compliances for some selfish end. -- {Yield"ing*ly},
          adv. -- {Yield"ing*ness}, n.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adv : in an obedient manner; "obediently she slipped off her right
           shoe and stocking" [syn: {obediently}] [ant: {disobediently}]
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