

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Cinematograph \Cin`e*mat"o*graph\, n. [Gr. ?, ?, motion +
   1. A machine, combining magic lantern and kinetoscope
      features, for projecting on a screen a series of pictures,
      moved rapidly (25 to 50 a second) and intermittently
      before an objective lens, and producing by persistence of
      vision the illusion of continuous motion; a moving-picture
      machine; also, any of several other machines or devices
      producing moving pictorial effects. Other common names for
      the cinematograph are {animatograph}, {biograph},
      {bioscope}, {electrograph}, {electroscope},
      {kinematograph}, {kinetoscope}, {veriscope}, {vitagraph},
      {vitascope}, {zo["o]gyroscope}, {zo["o]praxiscope}, etc.
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